Monday, January 30, 2012

The Schooling System and How Effective Planning Can Help YOU Triumph It!

                Too much of something isn’t good, but I would like to think education is an exception. There is no loss for learning too much as we all are learning new things each minute. People often pursue more and more education in different areas up until an old age. My grandpa, who is now over 60, is in college for law education. Personally, I think education is a wonderful thing to pursue but I dislike the schooling system of grades, etc.
                Schooling originated long ago when boys went to school and lived in barracks. They would be trained to follow orders and do as they are told. They would eventually be drafted as soldiers in the war and the best in school were the ones who were best in following orders combined with a little skill. This is the base of our schooling today in which the same concept applies. Children are sent to school to follow orders and the ones who follow orders best gets the highest grade. The teachers will teach you an idea and you will have to understand it and attempt an assignment. Most students probably understand it but the one that follows the orders best and takes all the notes and hand in all the work in time gets the highest grade. The one with the highest grade goes to the most prestigious college and then get “drafted” and picked by companies in which they will continue to follow orders. It’s a never ending cycle.
                99% of students will become followers meanwhile 1% will become leaders according to various statistics. School is a training base and a system for students to be trained to be the 99% of the population and picked by companies. It was just like the military and schooling before, but now we are picked by companies instead of picking to fight in the war. Therefore, schooling is a marketplace for companies to choose from. We are trained to follow orders and 99% of us will continue to do so when working in companies. The one who follows orders best gets the highest grade.
                Most billionaires in this world can be considered as leaders because they often creatively construct their own companies. 1/3 of the population of billionaires did not graduate from school; meanwhile the other majorities were B students. These various statistics shows that these billionaires got B’s or failed because they did not follow orders well. They were born leaders and did not get trapped by the system. They overcame the system and learned what they thought was useful. They were independent men. The students who got A’s are followers who fell into the system just like a robot and were trained to follow orders. The B students who create multinational companies will pick these A students to work under them because these people follow orders well.
                Therefore the schooling system is a place with grades according to how well you follow orders. Companies will pick the ones who follow the orders best because that’s what they want. Schools teach you to follow orders and the ones that do get the highest grade. These people are followers and many billionaires aren’t A students. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying schools are bad. Schools give knowledge and education but its system and setup is wrong. Schools should teach in a more creative and allow students to be more independent, free, and creative.
                To conclude, the schools teach you to follow orders at a young age. It is a system and cycle where people with the highest grade or the best at following orders get picked and pulled to work in companies. Schools create followers, and 99% of the worlds are followers.
                A way to not get trapped by the system and allow you to be the 1% of the population is by proper planning. Plan what you want to be and imagine where you want to be 20 years, 30 years, 40 years from now. Then think back on how you are going to achieve that. There are many paths but if you choose a path and stick to it, chances are you will reach your goal because you know what you want. Proper planning will allow you to triumph the system and allow you to get to be whatever you want years in the future. Statistics show that 97% of people don’t know what they want and don’t plan ahead. They don’t make goals so they can’t complain they haven’t achieved anything because they themselves haven’t set a target. The 3% of the population who plans out what they want and what they want to be having a high chance of reaching their target.
                In the movie, Alice in Wonderland, Alice said to the cat “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat. “I don’t much care where—” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. This quote shows that if you do not know where you want to go or what you want to be you will just follow whatever comes your way and whatever life gives you instead of making your own destiny and pursuing your own future. You will just accept what life gives you even though it might not be what you want.
                Another quote is a very common one we all recognize. “Life is like a pencil without an eraser”. This quote is true for the 97% of the population who just start drawing. However, the 3% of the population will make a rough draft, practice the drawing, and carefully plan it out. When they draw the final drawing they will still make mistakes but just much less. They will finish with a more perfect drawing which symbolizes being more successful and achieving more in life along with more happiness.  

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