Many say the word “religion” comes from the Latin word “religare” which means to “to tie, to bind.” Religion teaches us about the philosophy of life; it connects us to the world beyond space and time. Often, religion is what brings humans inner peace. Religion is a system of belief shared by a group who has common ideas about life. They will teach us the difference between right and wrong and how to contribute to global peace. Often, people blame the use of religion to justify a war. Religion teaches about peace and non-violence and its intentions are innocent and pure. There is religion to teach humans how to be a better person. That is the main sole purpose. Religion also gives hope, faith, and new dreams to people who have lost the love of living.
Religion brings conflict due to different ideas of two groups; it never talks about fighting the other but instead how to achieve unified peace. Religion helps make a better person; it helps people achieve inner peace. Inner peace contributes to global peace which is very important. Without religion, believes, and hope, life is not as meaningful. Religion helps you discover your reason of being in Earth; it helps you unravel your potential of brilliance and how to contribute it to make the world be a much better place. Religion, in my mind is a wonderful thing that I believe has helped us through time to be an improved self.
All religions have the 16 common characteristics: awe before sacred, expression of anxiety before rituals, ritual expectancy, myth and ritual, magic, prayer, divination, “Mana” belief, animisim, worship of power, supreme being, taboo, purification, sacrifice, attitudes toward death, and totenism. All religions have agents of change who play and important role in spreading the religion such as Charlemagne who was the Holy Roman Empire and unified Europe under Christianity. Religions in motion (Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism) have common aspects of being convertible, came from existing religion of Judaism, focuses on moral/salvation, and their texts can be translated and transmuted into the social/cultural landscape. Religions convey how people should live their lives through laws embedded in Holy Scripture, morals from religious myths; and local religious services and personnel (priests). Belief systems contribute to conflict because of the encounter between different religions due to different perspectives and practices, ownership of territory, and issues of identities. Religious fundamentalism, territorial rights, and constant shifts in power bases all contribute to religious conflict. Belief system unites people through the strength of common faith, religious services, and significant religious individuals. Belief systems support societies by telling how people should live their lives, talk about concept of death, unification, and contributed to conflict.
To me, I believe religion and spiritualism is connected and not very distinct from each other. Both teaches us how to lead a good life and contribute to the society. Both connect us to the world beyond space and time. Spirituality distinct religion from everything else. When both are used, one can lead a beautiful life. To me, there is no difference between the two.
The Dalai Lama said “All religion carries the importance of love and passion these are the fundamental values of human beings.” He also said “All these different philosophies have the same message of creating better human beings.”I am very inspired with his holiness the Dalai Lama because everything he said made me realize that it is true. All religion stress on the topic of love and not violence. All religion are the same in terms that they spread messages about the importance of loving one another and respecting each other. Love is most important and with love, we get peace. All religions are the same in terms that they all talk about the importance of love. All religion has different philosophies too, but all of them are to try and make us a better person, and to create better human beings. That is the purpose of religion; to create better human beings who value love above all. All religions have different teachings and gods, but all of them help and try to make us better people. They are teaching us good habits of meditation to connect with the universe. They are teaching us about love and how it spreads really quickly and makes the world a better place. This quote is really inspiring to me because it tells me that all religions have different philosophies and ideas but all of them link in two ideas, the idea of importance of love, and the philosophies to create better human beings. The Dalai Lama meditates a lot and he is connected with the universe, and he is teaching us his good habits in which we should adapt.
The President of Tanzania – “Humanity unites us” He is saying that our differences and diversity are the creation of the universe and we shouldn’t discriminate one another because of these differences which makes us unique and special with different thinking’s and ideas. If everyone in the world were the same, the Earth would be a boring place to live in. The Tanzanian President is saying that being different is a good thing and we should let our humanity unite us as different people come together and work together instead of letting the differences become stronger than our similarities and cause problems. “Don’t deny the rights of another human being because this is a recipe for conflict; so let’s give every human being their place in this universe because this would make the world a peaceful, harmonious, and beautiful place to live” His quotes are all true and I agree to it wholeheartedly. If we all give respect to one another and are linked by the fact that we are all humans, we will prosper. We should respect the other person’s difference because it’s what makes them unique and different from us. If we all work together and give everyone equality of rights and respects, we can all move forward together to the right direction without leaving a group behind. If everyone moves forward together, there is no conflict and this way everyone is happy and we are truly at peace. We should all let our humanity link us and connect and the fact that we actually all came from the same family. We are all related by the idea of this and the idea that we are all humans and we should prioritize this fact and not hurt one another. We are all human beings and we should love and treat one another with respect. No one will be unhappy and we will all succeed and truly achieve inner and external peace. I respect this man and worship his quotes for it is true and leads me to thinking about it.
Robert Thurman said “Love is everywhere. People who say a group doesn’t have it are the problem. ” This quote explains what is happening in this world which is why I like it so much. Love is everywhere, everybody has love in themselves. A group will discriminate another group and say that they are violent and are terrorists and that they don’t have love which encourages people to attack that group. This person is accusing that group because he himself doesn’t have enough love and is insecure which is why he is blaming that group. Most people are loving and it is human nature, and if a group gets discriminated, they will seek revenge. Also if a group is discriminated against, maybe it’s only one person in the group who is violent, and everyone else are good moral beings so you shouldn’t treat them badly. Love is everywhere, everybody has love and the people who accuse others that they don’t have love are the ones with the problems.
Mustafa Ceric said “I didn’t find god in catholic church, mosque, and/or any other place. But then I found god in my heart when I went home. “Inner peace and everything such as love starts from within. If you want to find love, you can go home to your family. If you want to find peace, you can go to your church. But first you must look within, because if you don’t have love, you will not be able to appreciate and see it in others. Mustafa did not find god wherever he went, but when he went home he missed his family was grateful to see them and his happiness and the way they treated him made him realize and feel that god was in his heart. God represents purity and love, and if you have it in your heart, you will be able to see wonderful things you did not see before. So when you are trying to look for anything, doesn’t go to others right away to blame them or ask them, but instead look within yourself and then you will find the answer. This quote reminds me of a quote from an anonymous person, “I was blind, but now I see”. If you seek an answer from within yourself and find it, when you feel love internally first, your life will change and you will learn to notice and appreciate new things you failed to notice before.
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