Monday, January 9, 2012

2012, what to expect

                2012 has just began and it has much expectations to be a better year than the one before. Whether it becomes a better year or not, depends differently on each person. If a person works hard, has passion in what they do, and learn to compromise, they will succeed. But if a person is selfish, and decides to sleep at home in front of the television all day and put life on God’s hands instead of going out and working their hardest, this might not be the best year for them. 2012, like many years before it will undergo big changes and many deaths caused by natural disasters. This year, technology will improve and become more efficient has users increase, economy is under a lot of stress, and third world countries have more investors and are slowly growing.
                As European countries owe banks money and have not returned it, the European crisis has occurred. The United States are quarrelling with Iran which could make Iran stop trading oil with countries who are allies with the United States. And with deadly natural disasters occurring in many different countries, 2011 was a year where the economy worsened and people investing in stocks lost a lot of money. However, 2012 is a year in which the economy could increase rapidly or decrease rapidly. Facebook is selling its stock this year as well as other big tech companies; stocks are starting to recover in this early month. However, if the US and Iran’s conflict is not resolved, and European countries do not resolve how to pay bank the banks, the world’s economy and stock could worsen even further than 2011.
                Each year, technology improves and 2011 was a year in which technology exploded and there was an increased amount of people using smart phones which made life easier and more efficient. However, in 2011 there was a technology war between several companies suing each other but what matters most is that the technology keeps on getting better and keeps on making our life easier. Take the invention of the iPad for example, and the inclusion of Siri in new Iphones. In 2012, there will be a significant increase in usage of social media which would mean that information and ideas will move around to more people and also at a faster speed. People’s lives and time are spent more on technologies such as computers. People used to play games using boards but now social gaming is becoming more popular such as in Thailand. News will also be more social as people get news from social media websites. The world will continue to be more connected as Facebook’s predicted users will surpass 1 billion users.  
                Africa is being recognized by foreign investors who are now investing in businesses and land in Africa as they see potential of Africa. Land prices are rising, and businesses are increasing in the continent. This is great for Africa because these businesses employ people and when these people have income equivalent to people from other countries, the continent can grow and move forward. People will head out of poverty and more will enter the middle class. Africa is moving forward into the right direction. Also with businesses comes the need for infrastructure and a better environment which will help Africa and its people get out of poverty and have a better life with a higher standard of living. Americans and Europeans are also purchasing a 2nd residence in developing nations such as Guatemala.
Also, prices of books and movies are heading nearer and nearer to zero which means more people can afford them. There are more 1 day specials in price of books where the price decreased from $20 to $2. E-learning and E-books are also used more often and the users have increased from last year. More people area reading books and buying them on their Ipads for example. The price of movies in some places have decreased and people continue to illegally download movies from websites such as piratebay which is now banned in some countries.
As we all know, 2011 was a year of many deaths. Powerful and great men such as Osama Bin Laden and Steve Jobs had both passed away. Each equation needs to be balanced, and these great men have paved way for younger men to rise and enter our hearts as they change the world again.




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